This is a backup of the old home page which used to have a looping color theme that uses the nth-child css selector.
This backup starts after this line.
A Programmer who still does not know what to specialise in, so is trying out different aspects of programming.
Read my "about page".
This website was made because it is somewhat expected from a developer to have one in this day and age, and I used this website as a project to try out Astro js and Sass (the rotating colour pallet is thanks to Sass).
I was thinking at first about a design where each section of the website will have its colour, but the idea of manually setting the colour of each section did not work right for me, so I thought about a way to automate this, and that is when the idea of rotating colours popped, but how do I do this?
CSS has the nth-element selector but I still need to manually do it for each one, I wanted an easy system where I provide a list of colours and it rotates between them but normal CSS can not do that, so I searched for ways to have a for loop in CSS and that is where I found Sass. I should mention that I worked with Sass in my one of my previous jobs but I did not use it myself, it was used in parts of the codebase writing years ago and I was instructed not to use it.
So this makes it a good opportunity to use Sass, and so I wrote the code for it and now my website's colours are that of a cotton candy ice cream.
I should mention that one of the colours repeats more than others, this it done intentionally to prevent a sudden change in luminance.
There are few things that I can make of the website.
Okay, this idea is interesting but as I mentioned in my About page, writing is not one of my strong suits, and I can see myself getting bored of this website and blogging quickly. and I am not sure what to blog about anyway. If I ever do it I will most likely be one of those guys who write a blog once or twice a year about something interesting he found that he wants to share with others or promote it.
This is a common thing that is done by developers who make a personal website, especially web developers, but there are a few issues with that when it comes to my case.
Most applications I write are CLI (command line interface) applications, it is rare that I need a GUI (graphical user interface). but these portfolio websites mainly show web applications, so they can not show CLI or desktop GUI applications (e.g. application written using GTK or QT).
The only decent way I can think of to show them is to write a blog post about them, but that has the same issues mentioned in the blogging section and honestly I struggle to even write something in my project's files, so I do not see my self committing to this. Furthermore, most recruiters do not want to download something, so if it is not a website then they will not bother, this could be for security or due to time.
Okay, I mentioned the practical reasons, now for something a bit more personal. I did not write the projects on my GitHub so that I please recruiters, I wrote them for myself. It could have been for learning or an automation script, but it was rare that I wrote them to please recruiters, I only started uploading them on GitHub when I was at University so that I could find an internship and I needed a GitHub account to show I had skills when I did not have any work experience.
But you know, I need to pay the bills, so It is not unlikely for me to one day show projects on here that are there just to please recruiters.